Facebook Video is Kind of a Big Deal


Facebook Video:

 Funny movie lines aside, Facebook really wants to sell you on the idea that their videos could one day surpass YouTube's viewership. Something comScore claimed they already did back in October.

Now we're not saying they're not a major player in the online world, just that it seems like it would take more than a few months to dethrone YouTube.

What does all of this video business mean for your business?

Well, since Facebook reports a 75% increase since last year in the number of videos being uploaded, this is a bandwagon you must jump onto. For example, you've heard the phrase, a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, a video would be worth about a million. They do 12 times as well as pictures on Facebook, and let's not forget, Twitter GIFS are pretty popular too these days.

Contact us to help create videos for you, and to push them out across several social media platforms.

Still not convinced?

In a recent blog post, Facebook released the percentages that included one saying the amount of videos in users' feeds has increased by 360% globally. Another great stat said more than half of all daily users view at least one video a day.

Some tips they gave were to post compelling videos that are shareable and with clips no one else has yet. Which should be your quest in anything you post online as a business anyhow, don't you think?

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