Google/Twitter Partnership Shows the Future of Search


Google's Partnership

 As one second just passed, 40,000 searches were conducted on Google. The search giant doesn't just want to provide search results, they want to provide you with the most relevant and accurate results possible.

If a user searches, Plato's birthday, Google wants the date and associated information to appear instantly. Google would like to be able to answer all of your questions and curiosities without you ever having to click on a website.

In order to achieve those goals, Google has one of the most advanced (and as a result, ever-changing) algorithms as it relates to searching keywords. But it wants more data.

That's why Google and Twitter reached an agreement in February that will allow the web crawler total access to the stream of Twitter, referred to as the "firehose." The firehouse puts out about 9,000 tweets per second, so that's a lot to index and crawl independently.

Now Google has access to the extremely timely information posted on Twitter, without having to wait and sift through it.

This also furthers the argument about how search engine optimization and social media are tied together. You need a strong social presence if you want to be seen above your competition. Social media is also a great way to get extremely valuable backlinks to your website.

Is your Social Media campaign growing by the day? If you aren't getting the likes, retweets, shares and posts you want online, call Thoughtwire Marketing: 800-367-2570.

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