User Experience Taking Over Search

The biggest news coming from the largest and most influential search engines over the last couple of months has been all about makeup and vanity. Over the years we've grown accustomed to news related to back end processes along with algorithm and technical changes. Now, it's basically a question of whether or not you like how it looks.

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Bing is rolling out new designs for their search results in hopes of increasing the user experience (UX).

"Bing is testing a new search results layout that changes the color of the logo from gray to the yellow/orange, changes the color of the search button and removes the gray background color from the right side rail," reported Barry Schwartz.

The recent change with Bing is coming on the heels of Google making their own changes

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to their search layout. In May Google began showing results that weren't underlined and the fonts were bigger. The larger "type press" is to accommodate mobile device users who view online content on a smaller screen compared to desktops and even laptops.

Since last year's algorithm implementation of Hummingbird, the focus is on UX. That was the main focus of the algorithm anyway, to be able to handle more long-tailed searches that were typically done orally from a mobile device.

What it means for the search engine optimization (SEO) efforts across the country is that the content and layout of a website must combine to provide not only the visual stimulant and format, but also the access ability from different devices and platforms.

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