Bing is Going Mobile-Friendly

Following Google's lead, Bing Announces Their Own Mobile-Friendly Algorithm

Bing mobile friendly

Yesterday, Microsoft's search engine Bing announced that they will release their own version of mobile-friendly ranking signals in the coming months. In case you missed it, Google's "Mobilegeddon," as some have called it, was implemented over a month ago.

Bing has not yet given a date of when their algorithm will go live, but they have already started tagging whether or not a website is mobile-friendly. You can see in the example below that Thoughtwire's results on Bing are indeed tagged as mobile-friendly.

Bing Mobile FriendlyWhat else is Bing saying about the upcoming change? This comes directly from their blog:

"Our approach to mobile friendliness as a ranking signal balances the need to improve the ranking for mobile-friendly pages, with the continued focus on delivering the most relevant results for a given query. This means that for mobile searches on Bing, you can always expect to see the most relevant results for a search query ranked higher, even if some of them are not mobile-friendly. While the changes will improve ranking for mobile-friendly pages, webpages that are highly relevant to the given query that are not yet mobile-friendly will not get penalized." (Emphasis added)

Check out Bing's blog to read more about their approach to mobile-friendly websites. You can also read Search Engine Land's take on it here.

Our take? While this won't impact websites as much as Google's mobile-friendly rollout, it certainly furthers the argument for having a mobile-friendly website.

Although Bing and Yahoo constantly have to live in the shadow of Google, it's not like they are failing businesses. Bing is second only to Google, holding nearly 20 percent of the U.S. search market share. Even if you use Google, how many of your customers might use Bing and how many more people could you reach by having a well-ranking, mobile-friendly website that appears on the three biggest search engines in the world?

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