Google Steps Up Mobile App Indexing Efforts

mobile app indexing 

Mobile Indexing First:

 When Google made announcements regarding mobile-friendly search, most people (including us) focused on what this meant for websites that aren't Responsive. An under-looked part of that announcement was that Google would start crawling mobile apps and surfacing them in mobile search results with mobile app indexing.

Google has taken the next step in this process and has started showing apps in search results on Android first, and now iOS. From their official Google Search blog:

"This week, we're rolling this out so you'll start seeing in-app content from an initial set of partners among search results when searching with the Google app or in Chrome for iPhone and iPad (you need to be signed in). From there, just tap the search result to open that app. Try telling Google "I need a reservation at Bombay Cricket Club" and you'll see results from the OpenTable app."

While this announcement only includes a small handful of apps, it's only a matter of time before others are on board. Google will also make it easier for users to discover new apps within Google Search.

Mobile apps have been popular for a few years and have been effective for many companies for reasons aside from appearing more in search results. This announcement just means there is one more reason to develop a mobile app and stay ahead of your competition.

Thoughtwire's skilled developers can create customized apps for your business on the iOS or Android platforms. To get started, contact us here or call (800) 367-2570.

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