Free SEO Tools: Analyzing your Backlinks

Free SEO Tools: Analyzing Backlinks

In the world of SEO, it's very important that your website acquires healthy backlinks. At Thoughtwire, these link-building strategies are referred to as off-site SEO. They have the power to help or harm your website's search engine ranking.

Some backlinks are spammy, unnatural and don't make sense. Others, especially ones from reputable educational or government websites, prove that your URL is legitimate and has a healthy relationship with other proven businesses.

How can you find a list of inbound links to your website? There are several free SEO tools online, including a link analysis report found here on Bruce Clay, Inc. Simply scroll down, enter your URL and see the results.

Don't just stop there. What you do with this data is extremely important. First, there is a process to removing bad backlinks. Second, you will want to analyze your competitor's backlink profile to see where you can do better. Finally, you'll need to pursue additional healthy backlink opportunities.

Link building and backlink analysis can be overwhelming, especially when you consider it's only one aspect of the larger SEO picture. That's why we're here - to implement on-site and off-site SEO strategies that help your business increase its presence online.

Call us at (800) 367-2570 or contact us here to get started.

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