Google’s Chrome Browser to Mark All Non-HTTPS Websites as ‘Not Secure’ in July 2018

Google has announced that beginning in July 2018, which is just a few days away, they will be marking all websites without HTTPS integration as non-secure websites within Google’s Chrome 68 browser release. Google had previously been marking some (but not all) non-HTTPS sites as not secure within older versions of Chrome.

Google had also been pushing website developers and webmasters to update their websites to HTTPS, even going so far as to give small ranking boosts to HTTPS sites. According to Google, as of February 2018, “over 68% of Chrome traffic on both Android and Windows is now protected, over 78% of Chrome traffic on both Chrome OS and Mac is now protected, and 81 of the top 100 sites on the web use HTTPS by default.”

As part of their efforts to make the Internet more secure, Google intends to use the Chrome browser to continue letting users know that regular HTTP sites aren’t secure. While HTTPS integration can be a long, complex process, Google has simplified the HTTPS process to help make HTTPS migration as simple as possible, including making site audits and HTTPS set-up guides available.

If your current website is HTTP, MAXtech can help you migrate your site over to HTTPS. Contact us for more information.

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