Google X: Searching for More

Google X

For many of us, a sneak peek into Google X would look a lot like a science fiction movie set. This division of Google is dedicated solely to innovation on a massive scale. The prerequisites for their projects include needing to affect millions, if not billions, of people and resembling something from sci-fi. Behind Google X's innovations are valuable lessons to be learned. Let's take a look at a few of their latest innovations and how we can learn from them.

Project Loon

Project LoonHow do you give everyone access to the Internet? Google's answer to this question comes in the form of Project Loon. In a nutshell, Project Loon uses specialized weather balloons launched into the stratosphere to provide Internet access. By being in the stratosphere, the weather balloons can take advantage of natural winds in order to travel to the required areas and are safe from planes or natural disasters. This means that even when a hurricane destroys your telephone lines, Project Loon can provide you with the Internet required to contact emergency services.

The Lesson: There are multiple solutions to any given problem. Embrace them all to find truly unique innovations.

Self-Driving Cars

Google's Self-driving carObviously driverless cars were already an idea from science fiction, but that's not the only reason Google X sought out to create them. It came from trying to solve a problem by ignoring other tactics. Google X wanted to find a way to stop automobile accidents, but needed to do so in a non-incremental fashion. While other companies created assisted parking and radar detectors on cars, Google worked to remove human error from the equation entirely. You can either help someone drive a car or drive it for them.

The Lesson: Sometimes ignoring the obvious and easy solutions can lead you to an even better one.

Modular Phones

Project AraHow do you stop technology from advancing so fast and requiring consumers to purchase new tech every few months? You begin by rethinking how you make that technology. That's where Google's Modular Phones began their ongoing journey. Instead of forcing customers to buy a new phone to receive new features, what if they could just buy the new features? These phones allow owners to purchase features for the phone in order to upgrade it. So you want that shiny new camera on the latest phone, but don't want to spend $200+ to get it? Then try spending $25 to upgrade your camera on your existing modular phone.

The Lesson: Adaptability is king in a world surrounded by technological innovation.

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