Websites Have to Brace for Voice Searches

Websites Have to Brace for Voice Searches

It’s getting worse. Search terms used to be one or two words long, but now they ramble longer than a Kerouac sentence. The reason? The devices are changing along with voice-recognition software.

As the search algorithms are tweaked to accommodate longer search phrases, your website content and structure must also adapt. On one hand, the writing has been on the wall. As more and more users access the Internet via their smartphones, they are searching in the car, at the store, asking Siri or Cortana to do the search for them, etc. 

Before, you would search something like “spas in Boston.” Conversational searches into smartphones are more like “I’m looking for the best spa in Boston” or “Find spa deals in the Boston area.” The web crawlers then try to match your long-tailed keyword or search phrase with a website. 

Now, with devices being created like Google Home, voice searches will be the ONLY way websites are found. Is your content aligned with the latest algorithm changes and is it composed with long-tailed search in mind? 

The first thing to ask yourself is when has the content on your website been updated and changed? Are you on the first page of Google when you search for your industry terms, products or services? 

Don’t let your competitors outrank you; ensure you have a website that shows up first and adheres to the latest algorithm changes.  

Get a free website content and long-tailed keyword evaluation from MAXtech by calling (614) 401-8800 or by filling out the contact form.

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