90% of Consumers to Shop Online Over Holidays

The number is bigger than it has ever been before-90 percent of consumers will conduct holiday shopping online, a PunchTab survey reported.

"PunchTab, the engagement and insights platform, released its insight report on the 2014 holiday season. The survey looks at how Gen X, Baby Boomers, Millennials differ this holiday season and how top retailers are preparing for the wave," reported Adotas.com.

What businesses need to be concerned about is how they are going to make sure the consumers are buying online from them and not the competition. Here's a quick check list to make sure you have a full digital presence:

1. Can consumers actually find you? There are billions of websites out there, and when consumers search, 75 percent of them never go past the first page of the results. Your website needs search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure you rank high for the web crawlers. To get the best SEO for you brand, click here.

2. Is your website mobile-friendly? Consumers will shop online primarily with their mobile device. You need a website that is Responsive and has the ability to attract younger users with mobile apps. To get a mobile-friendly website, click here.

3. Is your content king? Without engaging and meaningful content, both the user and the search engine won't be interested in what you are trying to showcase. Every word counts. To get the amazing SEO-friendly copy written for you, click here.

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