3 Frightening Things About NOT Backing Up Your Business' Data

When was the last time your business did a data backup? Has it been awhile? Or has your business never done a data backup? If it's been more than a month since your last data backup, you might want to consider completing more frequent backups (or, if you haven't already started, start now). An April 2017 statistic from Small Business Trends stated that 58% of small businesses aren't ready for potential data loss. And there are a lot of frightening things that can happen to your business (regardless of size) if you don't properly backup your data.

Data Deletion – Deleting data by accident does happen, and so does intentional data deletion. If or when this happens to your business, if you don't have a data backup system in place, you might not be able to restore your business data.

Hardware Failure – According to Small Business Trends, 140,000 hard drives fail in the U.S. alone each week. That's over 7.2 million hard drives a year. If your business' hardware ends up failing, and you don't have a backup prepared, there's a good chance you won't be able to recover your business' data.

Ransomware – Ransomware is an existing form of malware that was on the rise until this year. But just because ransomware infections have fallen doesn't mean your business won't end up with ransomware. Cybercriminals use ransomware to block or limit access to your business' data. They then demand that a ransom be paid within a certain amount of time in order for your data to be unlocked. Data access might or might not be granted once a ransom is paid.

Ransomware can occur at any moment and can cause your business serious downtime, money, and even privacy issues if the cybercriminals have access to sensitive data. Any one of these things or a combination of them can damage your business' reputation.

If you have a data backup solution, you can effectively and efficiently deal with all of the above scenarios and threats, and you won't have to worry about a permanent loss of your business data. Our backup solution, MAXBackup, will address your current needs and prevent worst-case scenarios in the event of data deletion, hardware failure or ransomware.

For more information about MAXBackup, check out our video discussing the top misconceptions about data backup for your business, or submit your questions and concerns on our Contact Us page.

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